Here, in the order of donated SWAG! confirmation, are what the 5 players will be selecting from as a 'thank you' for their participation:

(5) professional copy of the custom adventure, '28 Rounds Later' (publication in 2011) w/ your name listed, accomplishments from the evening fully described, & a group photo included ($20 value)
(5) B&W custom 'Master Level' illustration commission from
AvatarArt, which can be used for your own character or given away as a gift or even re-sold on eBay. ($100 value each)
(5) download of any terrain from
Fat Dragon Games (up to a $14 value)
(1) case of
RootJack Pirate Energy Drink from Voodoo Elixirs ($48 value)
(1) framed replica woodcut print of Albrecht Durer's The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse created by
master printmaker Allen Bjorkman from Catprint.com Digital Printing Solutions ($164 value)
(1) Gen Con Indy 2011 Promo Pass from
Gen Con LLC ($75ish value)
sealed Lord of the Rings Millennium Edition, 7-volume boxed set + a signed copy of The Lord of the Films ($120 value from J.W. Braun)
(1) WotC/Alliance promotional
Ultimate DM Screen of Dooooom!, Number 168/220, from Gamer Bling ($1,614.69 in goods needed to get one, assuming a 45% retail discount)
(1) voucher for an original Utilikilt in any size from
The Utilikilts Company ($187.50 value)
Action Points coin set (3 gold, 3 silver) from Dragonfire Lasercrafts ($10 value each)
4E Player's Handbook, Arcane, Divine, and Martial Heroes ($34.95 value)
4E Monster Manual ($34.95 value)
4E Dungeon Master's Guide ($34.95 value)
Player's Handbook 2, Primal, Arcane, and Divine Heroes ($39.95 value)
(1) gift voucher for a Latex short weapon from
Edhellen Armoury ($40 value)
Limited Edition 11" by 17" signed print from The Art of Nigel Sade Booth #134 ($25 value apiece)
signed copy of "Quietus," by Kimber Grey, the 1st book in the epic "Faiden Kingdom Saga" from Kimberly D. Phillips Booth G ($12.95 value)
(1) signed headshot of Felicia Day, "To My #1 Fan" from Felicia Day

(1) autographed Will Wheaton Evil Twin 28RL character print from
Will Wheaton
(1) $100 voucher for books from
McFarland Publishers Booth #2139 ($100 value)
The Imperial Gazetteer by Wolfgang Baur and Scott Gable from Open Design LLC Booth # 2439 ($15.95 value)
Iron Gazetteer 4th Edition Dwarven Paragons and Powers from Open Design LLC Booth # 2439 ($15.95 value)
(6) themed Dice Sets from
Q-Workshop Booth #927 ($18 apiece)
(4) 30" by 20" Game Mat;
Caves of Chaos, Inn of the Welcome Wench, King's Road, Market Square from Gale Force Nine ($19.99 apiece)
(6) 8" x 10" of
Colonial Marine or Resident Evil, or 50's Space Chicks from Geeky Pinups Booth #2532 ($10 value apiece)

Brain Wash Soap from Luxury Lane Soap Booth #2732 ($8.95 apiece)
Collector Edition copy of 'Farmers & Mercenaries: Book One of the Genesis of Oblivion Saga' from Maxwell Alexander Drake
(7) 17" by 25" print;
Domination, Last Breath, Outcasts, Outmatched, Rage, Swamp Predator, Under a Dark Sun, from Jason Engle
Hero Lab + D20 Pro Virtual Game Table software bundle from Lone Wolf Development
Trip for 2 to Salem, Mass for Samhain (October 28 thru November 1, 2010) from Blessed be Adventures ($2,400 value; $1,200 per person)
(2) World of Warcraft Action Figure, Broll Bearmantle & Alathena Moonbreeze from Transportation Salvage Network
Buy One CD get 1 CD FREE! voucher from Dan the Bard!

Picks will start with the player who has the highest bid, then go to next highest bid, & so on. This continues until all available SWAG! has been awarded. Players don't have to choose anything, so someone could get themselves more than 1 copy of the adventure, more than 1 custom illustration commission, etc. Participants are freely welcomed to trade, give, or sell, anything they receive as prizes.
If you have the winning bid to sit behind the screen as Keith Baker's Assistant GM, you will receive:

inclusion in the design process for professional release of the adventure (publication in 2011) w/ your name listed both as an Assistant GM + an editing credit + your own final copy ($20 value for the adventure itself, value for being part of making it & that experience...personal)
a 10 sketch commission package from
AvatarArt, which can be used for designing your own kick-ass adventure or given away as a gifts or even re-sold on eBay. ($250 value)
download of any terrain from
Fat Dragon Games (up to a $14 value)
lifetime Ascendant Membership from
Obsidian Portal ($40 a year x rest of your life value)
(1) Gen Con Indy 2011 Promo Pass from
Gen Con LLC ($75ish value)
Blast and Burst Templates set, black from Dragonfire Lasercrafts ($20 value)
(2) Condition Tile Set, '
Bloodied' & 'Marked' from Dragonfire Lasercrafts ($5 value apiece)
Encyclopedia of Cryptozoology, A Global Guide to Hidden Animals and Their Pursuers from McFarland Publishers Booth #2139 ($95 value)
Patron Level in 'The Lost City' Open Design project with WotC designer Logan Bronner from Open Design LLC Booth # 2439 ($24.95 value)
(1) 'Skulls in the Sand' photo + $40 booth credit from
Barrett Artifacts ($50 total value)

(1) autographed The Order of the Stick: On the Origin of PCs ($13.95 value)
Hero Lab + D20 Pro Virtual Game Table software bundle from Lone Wolf Development
Manticores & Owlbears CD from Dan the Bard ($15 value)
(1) Signed Card Album with a full set of all 90 cards in the New Beginnings series from
Larry Elmore ( value)
(1) Twenty Years of Art from
Larry Elmore ($39.99 value)
Ultimate Toolbox from Keith Baker ($49.95 value)
Limited Edition 'Ancient Red' (cover of the Dungeons & Dragons Basic Boxed Set) print, #760/1500 from
Larry Elmore ( value)
(1) Limited Edition 'Air Attack' (cover of the Dungeons & Dragons Expert Boxed Set) print, #750/1500 from
Larry Elmore ( value)
(1) Limited Edition 'Dragon Blade' (cover of the Dungeons & Dragons Companion Boxed Set) print, #670/1500 from
Larry Elmore ( value)

There are literally dozens of other prizes which will be included, but before we list them publicly, we're awaiting final confirmation. Also, many vendors have asked to speak with us directly at Gen Con, so after those in person conversations, expect even more to be listed. In the event that a prize becomes unavailable for any reason one of equal or greater value will be substituted for it- we're not expecting that, just in case.

If your group would be interested in spreading the word or directly participating, (items donated can considered as donations for tax purposes) please contact us via Mythic Party on
Twitter or info@mythicparty.com to learn more.